The Riff

Find Qualified Leads Using Other Companies' Marketing Dollars

Written by Zac Harding | Feb 28, 2023 2:20:52 AM

LinkedIn is one of the most powerful platforms for business networking, and it has a very powerful tool called LinkedIn Live. LinkedIn Live allows businesses to connect with potential leads in real time, making it easier than ever to generate leads and connect with potential customers. LinkedIn Live's true power lies in the ability to attend these webinars and then view all the attendees forever via a filter provided by LinkedIn. Here's how you can find leads using other companies' marketing dollars.

  1. Find Relevant LinkedIn Live Webinars: The first step in using LinkedIn Live to find leads for your business is to find relevant webinars to attend. To do this, search for webinars in your target industry or niche by using relevant keywords. For example, if you're looking for leads in the wellness industry, search for "wellness webinars" or "HR webinars." Attend the webinar and take note of the participants.
  2. Use LinkedIn's Networking Feature to Find Attendees: Once you have attended the LinkedIn Live webinar, click the Networking section to open up a filtered list of everyone's LinkedIn profile who attended the webinar. This filtered list will always be accessible by copying the URL link. The networking section allows you to connect with attendees, and it's a great way to start building relationships with potential leads.
  3. Use Contact Database Tools: After you have a list of attendees, the next step is to find their contact information. There are many contact database tools available, such as Seamless or ZoomInfo, which can help you discover all their contact information. Use these tools to find the email addresses and phone numbers of the attendees.
  4. Connect with the Attendees: Now that you have a list of qualified leads, it's time to start connecting with them. Reach out to them via email or phone and introduce yourself. Be sure to mention that you attended the same LinkedIn Live webinar, so they remember you. Explain how your services or products can help them solve a particular problem, and ask them if they would be interested in learning more.
  5. Follow-Up and Nurture Your Leads: After you have made contact with your leads, it's important to continue to nurture those relationships. Send them follow-up emails, ask how they're doing, and provide them with valuable content related to your industry. This will help you stay top-of-mind and increase the likelihood of closing a sale in the future.

LinkedIn Live is an excellent way to find highly qualified leads for your business. By attending webinars in your target industry or niche, you can easily connect with potential customers and use contact database tools to find their contact information. This is a great way to use other companies' marketing dollars to prospect highly qualified leads. Follow the steps above to start generating more leads for your business today.